Saturday, December 22, 2012

Quiet Weather To Exist Through Christmas Holiday's

Generally quiet weather will exist for the christmas holidays in Southern Manitoba with little to no precipitation expected during the period. Also you will be glad to hear that there won't be any significant storm systems over the next few weeks, giving us a break from shovelling. The only thing to watch for will be cloudcover and off and on light flurries at times during the holiday's especially on days whenever there is a Northwest flow present. Temperatures will be seasonably cool with daytime highs sitting anywhere from the minus teens to minus single digits, though it might feel colder during the overnight periods with low's getting into the minus 20's to possibly minus 30's. Always keep tabs on the windchill it makes it feel a lot colder than the actual temperature when it's around. Keep yourself warm on those cold days, be sure to bundle up! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas folk's! If you are planning on traveling via air or ground the weather should be great and there won't be much in terms of affect for transportation. Hope Santa is good to you all! 

1 comment:

  1. Information from the post was in part provided by Rob's Blog, I will start creating posts on my own without the help of other blog's by the new year!

    Thank's for all of the viewers that have stopped by.....


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